Page 7 - British Postal Agencies In China 1917 - 1930

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1917 Opt. 'CHINA' 1st issue, 1c brown with Broken Crown variety in horizontal pair and block of 4, plus 1c brown
Cut on Scalp N.W. 8/6 constant variety, light hinge and block of 4 with a few toned spots. The single stamp and block
of 4 are illustrated on page 30 of Perrin's book. Yang BP1b. Photo
HK$ 2,500 - 3,500
Ex. 2007
A small selection of used stamps, including 4c with overprint misplaced variety, this variety was found in Wei Hai
Wei during the late 1920's according to 'The Study Of Hong Kong Definitives:King Edward Vii And King George V'
by Nick Halewood and David Antscherl, not listed in any catalogue and 4c horizontal pair with subsititute Crown in
watermark, not listed in any catalogue, and a few PAQUEBOT chop, plus few rare cancellations, Hoihow and Ningpo
etc. Fine. Photo
HK$ 4,000 - 5,000