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1934 (12 May) Unsealed Printed-Matter cover to Germany franked with Second Defnitive 2f Pagoda (Chan MK26) tied by YENKI cds. Photo
HK$ 600 - 700 2126
1934 (23 July) registered cover from Shanhaikwan to France, f.w. on reverse Manchukuo Regular issue 1F. x 8 and 6F. x 3, tied by SHANGHAIKWANMANCHUKUO 34.7.23 cds's, LEVALLOIS SEINE 8-8 34 arrival cds alongside, on front with HARBIN MANCHUKUO 25.7.34 transit cds, fne. Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 2,000 2127
1935 (9 Jan.) Registered local commercial cover used within Harbin franked with First Issue 7f Pagoda (Chan MK9) tied by 2 HARBIN MANCHOUKUO cds with Modern-Numeral date including ‘Year 2’designation. Very scarce single-franking of the 7f and a rare postmark. Photo
HK$ 2,500 - 2,700 2128
1935 (12 Nov.) Unsealed Printed-Matter cover to Switzerland franked with Second China Mail 2f Green (Chan MK61) tied by YENKI cds. Photo
HK$ 600 - 700 2129
1937 (19 Aug.) British Government registered cover to Newchwang franked with 2f, 10f Scenics tied by SHENYANG postmarks. Unusual-style boxed registration handstamp in red. Damaged backfap not affecting any postal markings and large scuff affecting address.
HK$ 700 - 800 2130
1937 (7 Oct.) cover from Kirin to Finland via Siberia, f.w. on front Manchukuo 2F., 4F. vertical pair and 10F., tied by Kirin 4.10.7 cds's, backstamped KUOPIO 20 X 37 arrival cds, fne, unusual destination.
HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
1939 (10 July) Cover to Belgium franked with three Red Cross sets and additional 2f single (Chan MK119-20) tied by TATUN postmarks. Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 1,700 2132
1939 (30 July) coloured picture postcard (depicting "Rakujudo, Banjuzan, Peking") sent to Japan, f.w. on front Manchukuo stamp 2F. green, tied by Hsinking Central 6.7.30 cds, a boxed "Insuffcient postage 4 sen/ Hsinking Central Offce" handstamp in violet, affxed with a Postage Due receipt 4 sen/Post Offce" label, also bearing Peking MANJUZAN circular commemorative cachet in red, fne. Photo
HK$ 800 - 1,000 2133
1939 (20 Nov.) Airmail/Surface Registered commercial cover to Switzerland franked with 39f Airmail and 1f Scenic pair & two singles tied by SHENYANG postmarks with three boxed registration handstamps alongside. Partial Swiss arrival bkstp. Presumably sent by airmail within Manchukuo, then by surface across the Soviet Union. Rare and attractive usage. Photo
HK$ 5,500 - 6,000 2134
1940's A selection of Local Overprints of the North-Eastern Provinces covers x 8, each stamp with various hand stamped overprint and tied by local cds. One cover untied. Interesting item. Photo
HK$ 4,500 - 5,000 2135
1940 (10 Sept.) Registered express First Day Cover from Shenyang to Shanghai, f.w. on front Manchukuo National Census Commemorative issue, 2F. and 4F., set of 2, both in block of 4, tied by Shenyang 7.9.10 cds's (being First Day of issue), Shanghai 15.9.1940 arrival cds, also an unframed "Shenyang A 139" ( 瀋陽甲 ) registration handstamp in black and a boxed "Express Mail" ( 別 配達/快信 ) handstamp in red alongside, backstamped same Shanghai cds, fne. Photo
HK$ 700 - 800
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