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1938 White Full Sun, 1st print, 1c dull purple, used with part Hopeh Hungtzetien cds, water-stained at upper right. (Yang NC3). Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 2,000 1980
1938 Chin-Cha-Ki Border Area revenue stamp, Flag design, 1f. blue, complete sheet of 25 (5 x 5), printed on back of red ruled paper, with huge margins all round, unused, no gum as issued, a bit age toning, still fne. Photo
HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 1981
1938 Chin-Cha-Ki Border Area revenue stamp, Flag design, 1f. blue, complete sheet of 25 (5 x 5), printed on back of red ruled paper, with huge margins all round, unused, no gum as issued, a bit age toning, still fne. Photo
HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 1982
1945 Machine overprint “Chin-Cha-Ki Temporarily Used” in red on Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Puppet Mengkiang Government issue, $1 brown, with the top two characters transposed variety, mint, full original gum, lightly hinged, fne; 1949 Hangchow opt. “East China Post, Temporarily Used” & surch. on Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Dah Tung print, $1 on $1 orange, with surcharge shifted to right variety, unused, fne. (Yang NC14a, EC468a). Photo
HK$ 400 - 600 1983
1946 Commemoration of Victory, small size, $50 red, imperforate, unused, no gum as issued, hinged, still very fne. (Yang NC35b). Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 1984
1946 Chin-Ki-Lu-Yu Border Area, Bird on Globe issue, Ten Cents in unit, 50 ($5) violet, imperforated, rich colour, very fne unused, no gum as issued. (Yang NC191). Photo
HK$ 800 - 1,000
1946 Bird on Globe, Ten Cents in unit, 100 ($10) orange, imperforated, rich colour, very fne unused, no gum as issued. (Yang NC192). Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 1986
1948 North China Chairman Mao issue, perf., $200 carmine, block of 6, with perforations shifted to left variety, unused, no gum as issued, very fne. (Yang NC69 var.). Photo
HK$ 800 - 1,000 1987
1949 North China Field Workers & Factory issue, $1,000 x 17, $3,000 x 70, $5 x 15, $10,000 x 3, all used with postmark interest, good to fne. (Yang NC410-413). (105 stamps). Photo
HK$ 800 - 1,000 1988
1949 Peking surch. on SYS stamps as 'new values' and 'temporarily used for yuan' .including $12 on $1 in block of 15, Yang's NC356, plus single stamps x 8, all with surcharged shifting variety. Unused. Photo
HK$ 2,000 - 3,000 1989
1949 Tientsin Surch. on Money Order stamps, 50c on $50 marginal block of 4, upper right stamp with character "You" missing, $1 on $50, marginal block of 4, upper left stamp with a black triangle for character "One", block of 6, central upper stamp with character "Hwa" missing, $6 on $20, one single with surch. shifted downwards, one single with character "Zan" shifted to right, imprint marginal block of 6, upper left stamp with "zan" sideways, marginal block of 10, the upper right 4 stamps with left column overprinted characters completely or partly omitted, all unused, no gum as issued, very fne, a very good lot. (Chan NC321, 321var., 322, 322a, 322var., 324, 324var., 324c, 324f). Photo
HK$ 2,500 - 3,000
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