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1950 1st Anniv. Of Founding of PRC (C6) Reprint, complete set in corner block of 4. 1952 15th Anniv. Of War of Resistance against Japan (C16), complete set in block of 9, unused, no gum as issued, slight toning, still fne. Photo

HK$ 800 - 1,000 1389

1950 1st Anniv of Founding of PRC for use in the Northeast (C6) original print, complete set of 5, unused, no gum as issued, very fne.

HK$ 800 - 1,000 1390

1950 1st Anniv of Founding of PRC for use in the Northeast (C6NE) original print, complete set of 5, unused, no gum as issued, very fne. Photo

HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 1391

1950 1st All-China Postal Conference (C7), original print, 5 complete sets of 2, including block of 4 with top imprint margin and a single set, unused, no gum as issued. Slight few tone perf, still fne and fresh. Photo

HK$ 1,500 - 1,800 1392

1950 1st Anniv. of Founding of PRC, original print, $800 horizontal pair with top & right margins (C6-3); 1959 25th World Table Tennis Championships, 4f. (C66-1), upper right corner block of 10 (2 x 5), 1959 Paper-Cuts, 8f. red (S30-3) & 8f. blue (S30-4), both in upper right corner block of 10 (5 x 2), all unused, no gum as issued, very fne. Photo

HK$ 2,000 - 2,400 1393

1950 1st Anniversary of Founding of PRC (C6), reprint, $400 part sheet of 25 (5 x 5), the upper left and lower left corners with pre-perforating paper folds, showing horizontal lines of perforations in irregular or slanting shapes, interesting varieties, unused, no gum as issued, fne. Photo

HK$ 2,000 - 2,400 1394

1950 1st National Postal Conference C7 original printing, and Defend World Peace C5NE, 1st Anniv.of Founding of PRC C6, C6NE, C7, C7NE reprint unused, fne. Photo

HK$ 800 - 1,000


1950 1st National Postal Conference (North East issue) (C7NE), original print, set of 2 complete in block of 4, $5,000 with right & bottom margins, unused, no gum as issued, very fne. Photo

HK$ 2,000 - 2,400 1396

1950 Signing of Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance C8NE, complete set of 4 with block of 4, unused, no gum as issued. All with lower right corner and control sheet number, very fne and fresh. Photo

HK$ 2,000 - 3,000 1397

1950 Singing of Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance C8, C8NE. 1951, 30th Anniv. Of Communist Party of China C9, all in original print, and C8, C9 reprint, unused, fne. Photo

HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 1398

1950 Signing of Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance for use in Northeast (C8NE), original print, complete set of 3 in corner block of 8, unused, no gum as issued, very fne. Photo

HK$ 2,800 - 3,000 1399

1950 Surcharge on Shanghai Da Dong Print unit stamp (SC1), two complete sets, unused, no gum as issue, very fne. Photo

HK$ 800 - 1,000 1400

1950 Surcharged in black on Shanghai Dah Tung Unit stamp, $1,000 on Domestic Ordinary, orange yellow, perf. 14, horizontal pair with surcharge on right stamp at higher position and left stamp at lower position, one single with extra “dot” at character “Ren” variety, unused, no gum as issued, very fne. (Scott 29a var.). Photo

HK$ 500 - 600 1401

1950 Surcharged in green on Shanghai Dah Tung Unit stamp, $500 on Domestic Ordinary, orange yellow, perf. 14, unused, no gum as issued, very fne. (Scott 27a). Photo

HK$ 500 - 600

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