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1946 (20 April) Double-Weight Airmail cover to Occupied Austria ($130 rate) franked with Dah Tung Typographed $10 SYS strip of three, $100 on 28c HK Martyr single tied by SHANGHAI postmarks. Censored on arrival with purple circular cachet and resealed with tape at left. Photo

HK$ 500 - 600 1284

1946 (24 April) Registered-Airmail cover from Kwangsi Province to USA franked on both sides with total of 17 stamps,mostlyEqualTreaties&LinSencommemoratives tied by LIUCHOW postmarks. Chungking transit and three US transit & arrival markings. Scarce and attractive multiple-franking. Photo

HK$ 1,500 - 1,800 1285

1946 (27 May) Chinese Post Card printed with "PRINTED MATTER" at bottom, sent from Tientsin to USA, f.w. on front CNC Surch. on HK Martyrs $20 on 20c, horizontal pari, tied by Tientsin 11 cds, printed with China Export & Import Company circular to members in green on reverse, fne, postcard sent at international printed matter rate of $40, thus scarce. Photo

HK$ 800 - 1,000 1286

1946 (5 July) Airmail cover to USA franked on reverse with total of 8 stamps ($1390 total franking) tied by PEIPING postmarks. Some wear but clear of stamps and markings. Photo

HK$ 300 - 400 1287

1946 (9 July) Double-Weight Registered-ExpressAirmail commercial cover to USA ($2060 for 10 grams) franked on reverse with $20 on 8c NY Print pair & single, $100 Pacheng Typographed block of 20 tied by SHANGHAI postmarks. Two New York bkstps. Photo

HK$ 1,000 - 1,100


1946 (19 July) Registered postage due cover to Baltimore, USA, franked on both sides with National Currency surcharge on Airmail stamps $200 on $5 x 2 and other issues $20 x 2, $20 on 8c, paying total rate $460, all tied by Tientsin cds dated 19. 7. 35, handstamped on front “PASSED FREE LOS ANGELES CAL. / 1 U.S. CUSTOMS” large circular chop and “LETTER PACKAGES COLLECT TEN CENTS” two-lined chop both in purple, another Tientsin cds dated 19. 7. 46 on front, Shanghai transit cds dated 26. 7. 46, Seattle cds dated 17 Aug, Los Angeles cds dated 19 Aug & 20 Aug all on reverse, fne. Photo

HK$ 300 - 400 1289

1946 (31 Oct.) FDC by airmail to England, franked on front with 60th Birthday of Chairman CKS, Dah Yeh Print, $20 to $300, set of 6 complete, tied by similar theme FD cachet of Tientsin, on reverse franked with Postal Savings Picture $100, tied by same cachet and Tientsin 31.10.46 cds, even toning. Photo

HK$ 500 - 600 1290

1947 (24 Mar.) Acover franked with SYS Dah Tung print $100 on back to Shanghai tied by bilingual NANKING cds, with an attached notice in Chinese 'Quick! Quick! Quick!' to explain the reason of using the train mobile post offce. Photo

HK$ 600 - 800


1947 (28 March) Surface-Mail commercial cover to Germany franked on both sides with total of 8 stamps including Chiang Kai-shek Birthday set (total franking $1100 meeting the correct rate) tied by SHANGHAI postmarks. Photo

HK$ 700 - 800 1292

1947 (15 April) Surface-Mail commercial cover to Germany franked on reverse with total of 25 stamps, mostly Box-at-Top surcharges in blocks of four (total franking $1100 meeting the correct rate) tied by SHANGHAI postmarks. Photo

HK$ 1,000 - 1,100

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