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1932 (2 Dec.) Surface/Airmail registered commercial cover to France ($3.50 rate) franked with Second Peking $1 Hall of Classics pair & strip of three, 10c, 40c Peking Martyrs all tied by SHANGHAI postmarks. Framed Saigon-Marseille fight cachet. Shanghai and Saigon Centrale transit bkstps, French Triels/Seine arrival bkstp (20 Dec.). Rare, attractive, and correctly rated example from the frst rate period of Air France service. Photo

HK$ 5,000 - 5,500 1217

1933-34 Three covers sent from Tientsin and Peiping to Paris, franked with 2nd Peking Junk 1c, 8c, Reaper 20c and Surch. on 2nd Peking Junk 1c on 3c, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen 2nd London print 25c, and Premier Tan Yen-Kai 25c, tied by Tientsin and Peiping cds's, all with Paris arrival cds's, one with tears, light age toning. Photo

HK$ 800 - 1,000 1218

1933-48 Three covers and one Air Letter sheet, sent to USA and Tientsin, franked with Premier Tan 5c, Dr. SYS 2nd London print 5c, Dr. SYS Plum Blossom $50,000 x 3, $100,000 x 2 and $1,000,000, tied by Shanghai, Peiping cds's, one by "1st Anniversary of Founding of Republic of China Provisional Government 17.12.27 Tsinan" special commemorative cachet in red, fne. Photo

HK$ 600 - 700 1219

1933 (6 Apr.) airmail cover, franked on front with Second Peking Airmail 30c, Junk 4c & 1c on 3c, each tied by Shanghai cds dated 6 Apr 1933, Hankow transit cds dated 7 Apr and Yencheng Ho arrival cds dated 9 Apr on reverse, some stains on both sides. Photo

HK$ 500 - 600 1220

1933 (24 Apr.) Incoming postage due cover from Copenhagen to "M/S Selandia" c/o The East Asiatic Co. Ltd., Shanghai, franked on front with Denmark 5 Ore block of 4, tied by KOBENHAVN 24.4.33 cds, "T.20c." handstamp in violet, added Second Peking postage due 20c, tied by Shanghai cds, cover overall lightly soiled. The "Selandia" was sunk in 1942 off of Japan and honoured on a Danish 20 Kroner coin. Photo

HK$ 2,500 - 3,000


1931 (5 June) First Flight cover from Shanghai to Harbin via Manchuli, f.w. on front 2nd Peking Air Mail issue, 15c to 90c, complete set of 5, and 2nd Peking Junk 10c, tied by six fne strikes of Inauguaration of Internation First Flight special commemorative cachets, on reverse with Manchuli 8.6.20 and Harbin 10.6.31 cds's, light age toning. Photo

HK$ 2,000 - 2,400 1212

1931 (10 July) Airmail commercial cover from Hupeh Province to Shanghai franked on reverse with 4c Junk, 15c Second Airmail tied by HANKOW postmarks. Shanghai arrival bkstp. Photo

HK$ 500 - 600 1213

1931 (14 Sept.) Cover from France to Shanghai franked with France 50c Exposition strip of three tied by BORDEAUX slogan duplex. SHANGHAI bkstp (20 Oct.). Forwarded to Tientsin with Bisected Offcial Seal tied violet framed handstamp, with TIENTSIN Flood Relief slogan roller arrival bkstp. Opened for display and back slightly reduced. Photo

HK$ 800 - 900 1214

1932 (9 Sept.) Von Gronau Shanghai-manila fight cover (Starr-Mills 64) franked with 25c London SYS tied by SHANGHAI cds with violet fight cachet alongside. MANILA bkstp (27 Sept.). Rare. Photo

HK$ 5,500 - 6,000 1215

1932 (27 Nov.)Adouble fee reg. cover to Tientsin local, on back bearing Junk 4c in block 4 and Junk surch. 1c on 3c in strip of 5, tied by char. TIENTSIN cds. With small part of the offce receipt on front. This is the original cover from Paul Ke-Shing Chang's History Of Postal Cancellation Of China. Photo

HK$ 1,500 - 2,000


1931 (3 June) First Flight cover from Shanghai to Changsha, f.w. on fornt 2nd Peking Air Mail issue, 15c to 90c, complete set of 5, tied by four fne strikes of Inauguaration of Internation First Flight special commemorative cachets, on reverse with "Changsha No. (?)" tombstone postal agency handstamp, fne. Photo

HK$ 1,500 - 2,000

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