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1923 (17 May) Double-Weight Registered cover from Manchuria via USA to Yugoslavia (25c rate) franked on reverse with two London Print 10c Junks and First Peking 5c Junk single tied by HARBIN bisected-circles. MOUKDEN bisected-circle, New York, and red Ljubljana transit bkstps. Zagreb arrival bkstp (1 July). Late usage of the London Print stamps, unusual routing and more than six weeks in transit. Photo
HK$ 800 - 1,000 1176
1923 (June) Registered commercial cover to USA franked on reverse with two First Peking 5c Junk pairs tied by SHANGHAI bisected-circle postmarks. Two Chicago bkstps. Few pinholes far from stamps and markings. Photo
HK $600 - 700 1177
1923 (11 June) cover from Peking to Tientsin, franked on front with 1st Peking Airmail stamp 90c, Surcharged on Junk 2c on 3c and 25th Anniv. of the Chinese Postal Service 1c, tied by Peking cds’s (11.6.1923), a “11 JUN 23AEROPLANE SERVICE TIENTSIN G.P.O.” circular commemorative cachet in violet, backstamped Tientsin (11.6.23) arrival cds, fne. Photo
HK$ 2,500 - 3,000 1178
1923 (23 June) Registered commercial cover to USA franked with First Peking 20c Reaper tied by SHAMEEN bisected-circle cds with CANTON bisected-circle transit on reverse. Two Chicago bkstps. Few pinholes, one barely affecting stamp. Photo
HK$ 600 - 700 1179
1923 (6 July) Registered commercial cover to USA frankedwith First Peking 20c Reaper tied by SHANGHAI bisected-circle cds. Two Chicago bkstps. Photo
HK$ 600 - 700 1180
1923 (10 Oct.) A cover to USA, bearing Peking 1st print Junk 10c, tied by bilingual PINGTIONUAN/STATION train cds on front. On back, with bilingual Shanghai & Peking transits on back. Photo
HK$ 700 - 800
1923 (2 Dec.) Stamp company’s registered advertising cover to Germany franked on both sides with total of 7 Constitution commemoratives including complete set (Chan 289-92) also 1c, 3c Junks all tied by TIENTSIN bisected-circles. Harbin transit and Berlin arrival bkstp. Photo
HK$ 2,000 - 2,200 1182
1923 (11 Dec.) Multicolored picture postcard fromChihli Province to France franked with London 6c Junk tied by CHANGSINTIEN cds with additional strike alongside. PEKING bisected-circle transit and French SENS-YONNE arrival cds. Several scuffs on view side but a very scarce postmark of origin and late single-franking usage of the London Print stamp. Photo
HK$ 600 - 700 1183
1924-41 Selection of eight covers, six sent to France, one to Philippines and one to Iraq, franked with Junks, Reapers, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen & Peking Martyr issues, endorsed "By Pan American Airways Service, via U.S.A. and via transatlantic", "S.S. President Taft", two with "By I.A.L." handstamps in violet, including airmail and censored with labels, some with Hong Kong transit cds's, good to fne. Photo
HK$ 1,600 - 2,000 1184
1924-47 collection of 21 covers and 1 postcard, sent to Germany (8), Switzerland (6), U.S.A (4), Holland (1), Hong Kong (1) and to Czechoslovakia (1), via Siberia or America, one Via Lloyd Trisestino per S.S. Conte Verde, many registered or double registered, some airmail, franked with various issues & surch. at different postal rates, one First Flight cover noted, the unaddressed Japanese picture postcard franked with CIP Coiling Dragon 1/2c, tied by TIENTSIN 15 JAN 04 bisected bilingual dater, mostly with arrival cds’s, condition above average, inspection needed. Photo
HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 1185
1924-48 selection of 15 covers, sent to Germany (10), Indonesia (1), England (1), U.S.A. (2) and Shanghai(1), some registered, one registered express airmail, franked with Junks, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen issues, at various postal rates, bearing a variety of postmarks, one with stamp missing, others good to fne. Photo
HK$ 4,500 - 5,000
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