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1920 (20 Dec.) red band cover f.w. on reverse 1st Peking Junks, 1c x 3, tied by Nansingkiao 20.12.20 cds's, Hangchow 21.12.20 cds, Anhwei Fengkow 25.12.20 cds and Hweichow 24.12.20 arrival cds, on front with same Nansingkiao and Hangchow cds's, vertical fap missing affecting three cds's and age toning. Photo

HK$ 800 - 1,000


1920's A cover with Junk 3c green to Chengchung, tied by bisect char. Lock City Post Offce Agent chop, torn at the top affecting to the postmark. Photo

HK$ 800 - 1,000 1164

1920's A ROC Junk issues 6 covers to local, including a red band cover 3c green x 3 from Puchow to Sinkiang, Koocheng with Sinkiang seal label, with faint cds. Photo.

HK$ 1,000 - 1,300 1165

1920's A selection of Letter Offce covers x 7, each with red Chinese character chop. Condition mixed. Photo

HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 1166

1920's-40's 3 ROC covers and one Taiwan cover, including SYS Gold Yuan cover to USA, 1967 an incoming cover from Taiwan to HK. Photo

HK 800 - 1,000 1167

1920 (17 Apr.) red band cover from Wangtsun to Hangchow, f.w. on reverse 1st Peking Junk 3c, tied by AnhweiWangtsun 17.4.20 cds, Hweichow 18.4.20 transit and Hangchow 21.4.20 arrival cds, with one horizontal folding crease, otherwise fne. Photo

HK$ 700 - 800 1168

1920 (13 July) A large cover 24 x 19cm from Legation De France to France, on front with Nanking reg. label, on back with Junk 1c and 4c in block of 15 and one single, tied by bilingual NANKING cds. Photo

HK$ 500 - 600 1169

1920 (Sept.) Picture postcard from Ceylon to China franked with Ceylon 6c George V tied by indistinct partial cds. British SHANGHAI BR. P.O. V transit cds and B.P.O. TO C.P.O. SHANGHAI boxed datestamp. Chinese SHANGHAI bisected-circle transit. Photo

HK$ 1,700 - 1,800


1921 (17 March) registered cover to France franked with ½c Junk single, 1-1/2c single with 1-1/2c top-margin Imprint Block of 12 on reverse, all tied by WENCHOW bisected-circles with boxed registration handstamp on front. Shanghai bisected-circle transit bkstps. A rare franking of the imprint block. Photo

HK$ 1,500 - 1,800 1172

1921 (9 May) cover from Shanghai to Switzerland, endorsed "S/S "Amazone", franked on front and on reverse Famine Relief Fund Surch. on 1st Peking Junks 1c on 2c x 4, 3c on 4c x 2 and 5c on 6c x 2, all tied by SHANGHAI 9 MAY 21 10 bisected bilingual daters, another SHANGHAI 4 MAY 21 14 bisected bilingual dater and Zurich 25 VI 21 arrival cds; 1923 (10 May) registered cover from Peking to German Consulate Tsinanfu, franked on front with Surch. on 1st Peking Junks 2c on 3c block of 4, tied by PEKING (2) 10 MAY 23 10 bisected bilingual daters, repeated alongside, a boxed "PEKING, CHINA R No...." registration handstamp, on reverse with two TSINAN 11.3.1923 arrival cds's; both opened out for display, fne. Photo

HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 1173

1921 (20 Oct.) Native cover, franked on reverse with 25th Anniversary of the Chinese Postal Service 3c, tied by Tsinan bilingual cds dated 20 Oct. 1921, unclear Techow arrival cds alongside, light toning. Photo

HK$ 400 - 500 1174

1922 (19 March) ‘Chinese Government Salt Revenue Department Preventive Service’ registered cover to Denmark franked on reverse with total of ten 1c & 3c Junks tied by CHINKIANG postmarks with indistinct boxed registration handstamp on front. SHANGHAI transit and Danish RANDERS arrival bkstps. Photo

HK$ 700 - 800

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