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1916 (9 Sept.) cover to Denmark via Siberia, franked on front with 1st Peking Junks 1c and 3c x 3, tied by SHANGHAI SEP 9 16 bisected bilingual daters, RIBE 24.10.16 arrival cds alongside, on reverse with same Shanghai cds, TIENTSIN 12 SEP 16 bisected bilingual dater, BUREAU AMBULANT No.1PEKING-MOUKDEN 12 SEP 16 train post offce cds, MANCHOULI 12 SEP 16 bisected bilingual dater, Russian 12.9.16 transit cds and RIBE 23.10.16 cds, opened and resealed with Russian censor label, tied by a rectangular censor handstamp in violet, light age toning. Photo

HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 1152

1916 (7 Oct.) registered cover from Shanghai to Denmark, f.w. on reverse 1st Peking Junks 1c vertical pair and 3c block of 6, tied by Shanghai cds's, TIENTSIN 9 OCT 16 18 bisected bilingual dater, BUREAU AMBULANT No.1 PEKING-MOUKDEN 10 OCT 16 train post offce datestamp, MANCHOULI 13 OCT 16 bisected bilingual dater, two different arrival cds's alongside, on front with a boxed "SHANGHAI R No...." registration handstamp and a boxed Russian handstamp in violet, opened and resealed with a Russian censor label, tied by rectangular censor handstamps on both sides, torn at top opening, light age toning. Photo

HK$ 12,000 - 14,000 1153

1916 (11 Dec.) A reg. cover to USA, bearing The Republic 20c, tied by bilingual SHANGHAI cds, hand stamp reg. chop in violet. On back with TOLEDO JAN 13 1917 arrival cds. Photo

HK$ 1,500 - 1,800


1915 (28 June) cover to USA, f.w. on front 1st Peking Junk 10c, tied by Pehtaiho cds and repeated at left, on reverse with a small boxed "Jia" postman chop in black, fne; 1931 (1 Nov.) cover to Austria, endorsed "VIA SIBERIA/AUSTRIA" in violet, f.w. on front 2nd Peking Junks 4c x 6 and Surch. on 2nd Peking Junk 1c on 3c, tied by Hunan Lengshuitan cds's, backstamped Hunan Lingling 2.11.31 transit cds, fne. Photo

HK$ 800 - 1,000


1914 (17 Aug.) registered cover sent from Kweichow Chushu to France, f.w. on front and reverse London Junks 1c x 16 and 5c x 3, tied by nine strike of "Kweichow Chushu … year….month….day" postal agency tombstone datestamp with date hand-flled, Puanting 16.9.14 transit cds and Hankow bisected bilingual dater, also two "From Chshu registration no..." handstamps alongside, two France arrival cds's dated 22 SEP 14. Cover being returned with a rectangular "RETOUR A LENVOYEUR" handstamp, PEKING 3 APR 14 bisected bilingual cds, light age toning, nevertheless scarce. Photo

HK$ 18,000 - 20,000 1147

1914 (7 Sept.) Chinese State Railways (Lunghai Line) registered cover to Lincheng, Chihli (13c rate) franked with 13 First Peking 1c Junks tied by CHENGCHOW postmarks with unusual-style ‘Registered mail’ boxed handstamp alongside. Forwarded to Hsuchow with six bkstps and handstamps on reverse. Attractive and early usage of First Peking defnitives. Photo

HK$ 2,000 - 2,200 1148

1914 (10 Nov.) registered cover from Ishih to Sweden via Siberia, f.w. on front and on reverse London Junks 1c x 2, 1st Peking Junks 3c x 8, tied by Ishih 10.11.1914 cds's, Yuancheng 12.11.14 cds, Peking 15.11.1914 cds, BUREAU AMBULANT NO.1 PEKING-FENTIEN 16 NOV 14 train post offce cds and MANCHOULI 25 NOV 14 cds, on front with "Single Registration" and boxed "From Ishih Registration No..." double-frame handstamp, fne. Photo

HK$ 4,500 - 5,000 1149

1915 (19 Apr.) Registered & redirected cover, franked on reverse with Junk 3c x 2 & 10c (1 stamp missing), tied by Chentow cds dated 19 Apr. 1915, transit via Peking 20 APR, BUREAU AMBULANT No.1 PEKING-MOUKDEN 22 APR 15, an untraceable cds 9 MY 15 & Dijon 11 -5 15, VERDUN S/MEUSE arrival cds dated 13 -5 15, "47" large numeral marking on both sides, Chentow registered marking on front, cover with back fap partially missing and some edge tears, light even toning. Photo

HK$ 600 - 700

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