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1937 (2 Aug.) Underpaid Double-Weight cover to USA franked with 25c London SYS tied by PEKING cds. TIENTSIN roller transit bkstp (3 Aug.). Chinese and US postage due handstamps and US 2c, 3c Postage Dues tied on arrival by oval mute. Top left corner tip missing due to rough opening. Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 1102
1942-43 JapaneseOccupationofNorthChina, Surcharged postal card, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, 4c on 8c green, unused, very fne. (Alexander & Kadull JPC[NC]-8). Photo
HK$ 600 - 800 1103
1945 (29 Apr) Dr. Sun Yat-Sen postal card 8c to USA, added Martyr 1c, 21c and Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Paicheng typographed $10 x 2, tied by Shanghai bilingual cds, full handwritten message on reverse, fne. Photo
HK$ 700 - 900 1104
1946 Dr. Sun Yat-Sen with Torch postal card, $10 dark green, on front affxed with a blue airmail label and with "Plus 840Ds." handstamp in violet, with Shanghai Relief Parcel Service circular printed in red on reverse, unused, fne. (Alexander & Kadull PC-27). Photo
HK$ 600 - 800 1105
1946 Dr. Sun Yat-Sen with Torch postal card, $10 dark green, on front affxed with a blue airmail label and with "Plus 840Ds." handstamp in violet, with Shanghai Relief Parcel Service circular printed in red on reverse, used with name of addressee and contents but not sent through post, fne. (Alexander & Kadull PC-27). Photo
HK$ 600 - 800 1106
1947 Kwangtung CNC Surcharged in black on Dr. Sun Yat-Sen with Torch postal card, $50 on $10 dark green, unused, fne. (Alexander & Kadull PC-40). Photo
HK$ 800 - 1,000 1107
Postal stationery collections: Hong Kong QV stamped postal cards x 3, envelopes x 2; Shanghai Local Post postal card x 1, envelopes x 2, wrappers x 2, Chefoo postal card x 1, Chinkiang postal card x 1, PRC postal cards x 4, light age toning.
HK$ 1,200 - 1,600
1889-1948 selection of one postal card and four covers: 1889 (31 Oct.) Hong Kong Queen Victoria postal card 3c brown, sent to Germany, cancelled by HONG-KONG C OC 31 89 cds, Germany arrival cds; 1939-47 three censored covers sent from Anlu, Shanghai and Tientsin to Germany, two opened and resealed with censor labels, all with censor markings; 1948 (10 June) incoming airmail cover fromt Hanoi to Kunming, China, franked with Indo-China stamps 50c and 1pi, tied by HANOI TONKIN 10-6 48 cds’s, kunming 14.6.48 arrival cds, also a rectangular “OUVERTURE DE LA LIGNE HANOIKUNMING 11 JUIN 1948 PAR AIR FRANCE” special commemorative handstamp, good to fne. Photo
HK$ 1,700 - 1,900
Postal History
1901-1948 selection of fourteen covers/postcard, including one picture postcard sent to Cantania (Italy), franked with CIP Coiling Dragon 1/2c, tied by Shanghai 20 Aug. 01 bisected bilingual dater; 1901 (Apr.) cover to Germany, franked with CIP Coiling Dragon 2c (one stamp missing), bearing K.D.FELD POSTSTATION No.2 25/4 cds, a boxed military handstamp in blue at left, on reverse with Halle (Saale) 6/6 01 arrival cds, also a circular German military handstamp in blue; twelve covers to France (1), Germany (3), USA (4) and domestic (4), some registered airmail, franked with various issues and surcharges at different postal rates, condition mixed, viewing recommended. Photo
HK$ 4,500 - 5,000 1110
1910's An overprint ROC on CIP 3c green, tied by rare single ring CHILI/TEMPORARY/MA SHEN QIAO chop in black ( 代辦/馬伸橋 ), On back, with character PEKING/LETTER BOX/13 arrival cds, rare. Photo.
HK$ 1,800 - 2,000
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