1906 Surcharged 'Yunnan-Fou' and value in Chinese on
Navigation and Commerce stamps complete set of 17,
plus few surch. varieties, including 4c on10c red, 12c on
30c brown, 16c on 40c black opt. inverted varieties, mint
and fine. Chan FFY16-32. From M.F. Huang collection.
HK$ 1,500 - 1,600
1907 (17 Feb.) A pc with ‘Mong-Tseu’ opt. & surch. On
French Navigation and Commerce, 4c on 1c in pair of 3,
8c on 2c and 2c on 5c, tied by bilingual ‘MONG-TSEU-
CHINA’ Fr.P.O cancellation. Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 1,800
1907 (16Apr.) A reg. cover Paris, bearing surch. 'Kouang
Techeou Wan' on Indo Chine issues 8 values, total rate
$1.10. tied by bilingual 'KOUANG-TCHEOU-WAN-
CHINE' Fr.P.O cds, alongside 'R' in black frame, with
'PARIS/29.5.07' arrival cds. Photo
HK$ 3,000 - 3,500
1908 (19 Apr.) A pc to France, bearing Indochine 5c
green x 2, tied by bilingual 'TCH'ONG-KING-CHINA',
'HAN KEOU-CHINE' transit and 'TOURS/26 6 08'
arrival cds. Photo
HK$ 2,000 - 2,500
1908 (4 Aug.) A pc to France, bearing surch.
'TCHONGKING' 4c on 10c carmine, tied by bilingual
'TCHONG-KING-CHINE' Fr.P.O cds, on reverse with
'HANK-KEOU/13.8.08' transit and 'TOURS/7.9.08'
arrival cds. Fine. Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
1908-19 Surch. 'PAKHOI' and value in Chinese on
Native girls complete set of 17 x 2, and value in French
complete set of 17, mint and toned. Chan FFP34-67.
From M.H. Huang collection. Photo
HK$ 2,000 -2,500
1908-19 Surch. 'YUNNANFOU' on Native girls with
Chinese value and French vlaue complete set of 34, plus
few varieties. Mint and fine. Chan FFY33-66. From M.F.
Huang collection. Photo
HK$ 2,000 - 2,500
1909 (17 Feb.) incoming picture postcard from Uruguay
to Peking, franked with Uruguay stamps, 1c green and
2c red, tied by MONTEVIDEO 17 FEB 1909 cds's,
PEKING I.J.P.O. 22 4 09 cds and PEKIN CHINE 28
AVRIL 09 arrival cds, on front with same Montevideo
cds and Pekin Chine cds, fine. Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 2,000
1909 (9 Mar.) A pc to France, on front bearing
surch. 'TCHONGKING' 2c on 5c, tied by bilingual
'TCHONGKING-CHINE' cds, on reverse with same cds
and 'HAN-KEOU/18 MAI 09' transit, 'TOURS/27.6.09'
arrival cds. Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
1909 (9 July) A pc to France, bearing surch.
'TCHONGKING' 4c on 10c, tied by bilingual 'TCH'ONG-
KING-CHINE' cds. Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
1909 (29 July) photographic picture postcard (depicting
French troops inChina) sent toBelgium, f.w. 1907Regular
issue surch. in small characters, 4c on 10c carmine,
JUIL 09 cds, repeated same alongside, BRUKELLES
ARRIVEE 14-AOUT 09 arrival cds, also an encircled
"469" chop, very light age toning. Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
1909 (1 Nov.)(lunar) coloured picture postcard,
unaddressed, f.w. CIP Coiling Dragon 2c green,
cancelled (not tied) by lunar cds, also bearing "CORPS
D'OCCUPATION DE CHINE R. F. Place de Tonkou Le
Vaguemestre military cachet in blue, on front with same
cachet, light age toning. Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,500
1910 (31 Mar.) A cover to Switzerland, re-addressed to
Italy, bearing surch. 'Mong-Tseu' 10c on 25c blue, tied by
bilingual 'MONG-TSEU-CHINE' cds, on reverse with
part of Switzerland cds and 'MILANO/8.7.10' arrival
cds. Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 1,800