1941 A comprehensive collection of the 'HONAN' opt.
on SYS and Martyrs mint issues, each with well writing
Large figures and Small figures on pages, including
London 2nd print 2c to 20c set of 4, Dah Tung print 5c to
$20 complete set of 10, Chung Hwa print up to $1, HK
print Martyrs 1/2c to 40c with and without watermark
mixed set, showing large figures and small figures on
40c. very fresh and nice studying the 'HONAN' opt.
HK$ 4,000 - 4,500
1941 HOPEI small characters overprints: on Dr. SYS
2nd London print, 2c x 3 (Types A, B & C), 4c x 3 (Types
A & B wide & narrow stamps), 15c, 20c and 25c, set
complete; on Dr. SYS Chung Hwa print (Die II), $1; on
Die III, 3c to $5 (comb perf.), set of 5, plus $2 comb
perf.; on Dr. SYS Dah Tung print, unwmkd., 5c to $20,
set of 9 complete; on wmkd., 30c; on Peking Martyrs,
1/2c to 13c, set of 3 complete, plus 1/2c low stamp; on
HK Martyrs, unwmkd., 1/2c to 25c less 10c, 9 values;
on wmkd., 1c to 40c, set of 5 complete; all mint, with or
without gum, generally fine. (Chan JN2-6, 2a & b, 3a &
b, 7, 8-11, 11a, 12a, 22, 23-25, 23a, 26-34, 35-39).From
M.F. Huang Collection. Photo
HK$ 4,000 - 4,500
1941 HOPEI large characters overprints: on Dr. SYS
2nd London print, 2c x 3 (Types A, B & C), 4c, 15c,
20c and 25c x 2 (wide & narrow stamps), set complete;
on Dr. SYS Chung Hwa print (Die III), 2c to $20, set
of 12 complete, plus 2c comb perf., 2c Re-engraved, 8c
Re-engraved, $2 line perf., $5 comb perf.; on Dr. SYS
Dah Tung print, unwmkd., 5c to $20, complete set of
10; on wmkd., 5c to 50c, complete set of 4, plus 5c olive
green; on Peking Martyrs, 1/2c to 50c, complete set of
5, plus 1/2c low stamp, 30c low stamp; on HK Martyrs,
unwmkd., 1/2c to 50c less 2c blue, 14 values; on wmkd.,
1/2c to 50c, complete set of 14; all mint, with or without
gum, generally fine. (Chan JN185-189, 185a & b, 189a,
190-201, 190var., 190b, 193b, 198var., 199a, 202-215,
212a, 216-220, 216a, 219a, 221-222, 224-249). From
M.F. Huang Collection. Photo
HK$ 12,000 - 13,000