1947 (11 July) A large insurance cover from Taonan reg. to Harbin, on front bearing 1st surcharged on Chairman Mao 1st print, red
surcharged $50 on $1 pale violet x 11 (Yang NE37) tied by char. 'TAONAN' cds, char. 'HARBIN/18.7.47' arrival cds. on reverse
with violet Insurance Seal issued by Transportation Bureau x 3. rare. Photo
HK$ 40,000 - 50,000
1947 (11 July) A large insurance cover from Tsitsihar reg. to Harbin, on front bearing 1st surcharged on Chairman Mao 1st print,
red surcharged $50 on $1 pale violet and black surcharged $100 on $1 x 5 (Yang NE37,40) tied by char. 'TSITSIHAR' cds, char.
'HARBIN/4.11.47' arrival cds. On reverse with violet Insurance Seal issued by Transportation Bureau x 3. Rare. Fine. Photo
HK$ 40,000 - 50,000
1947 (15 Aug.) A cover from Harbin reg. to Soviet Union, bearing the
surcharged on Manchukuo stamps with '1st Anniv. of Japanese Surrender'
complete set of 4 (NE326-329) tied by 'HARBIN' cds, on reverse with
'MOSCOW/22.9.46' arrival cds. Fine. Photo
HK$ 25,000 - 30,000
1947 (16 July) A large insurance cover from Liao-Ki Province registered to Harbin, on front tied by char. 'HARBIN/20.7.47' arrival
cds, on reverse bearing Chairman Mao, 1st print orange block of 6, and red surcharged on 1st print, Chairman Mao $50 on $1 pale
violet strip of 3 (Yang NE3, NE7) tied by the faint cds, with violet Insurance Seal issued by Transportation Bureau x 6, rare. Photo
HK$ 40,000 - 50,000