1948 (7 Nov.) An air mail cover of National Currency stamps used during Gold Yuan period, bearing SYS The 3rd Shanghai
Dah Tung print, $50,000, 100,000, 30,000 x 3, 1,000,000 and 2,000,000, tied by char. 'CHEKIANG/HENGCHOW' rimmed dot
cancel, sent to USA. Photo
HK$ 600 - 700
1948 (28 Nov.) An air mail cover of National Currency stamps used during Gold Yuan period, bearing SYS The 3rd Shanghai
Dah Tung print, $1,000,000 large block of 21, tied by bilingual ‘KULING’ rimmed dot cancel. Photo
HK$ 800 - 1,000
1949 (21 Jan.) A Gold Yuan air mail cover from Canton to Taiwan, bearing Gold Yuan Shanghai San Yi surcharged 50c on $20 on
SYS Paicheng print, and Gold Yuan SYS Shanghai Dah Tung print in pair, tied by bilingual ‘CANTON’ cds, on reverse with the
same pair used as a sticker, untied, with char. ‘TAIWAN/PINGTUNG/29.1.49’ arrival cds. Photo
HK$ 700 - 800
1948 (9 Dec.) A mixed franking National Currency and Gold Yuan cover from Kwaiyang to Australia, on front bearing Gold Yuan
Shanghai Sanyi surcharged $1 on 40c red brown block of 6 SYS Central Trust print , on reverse with National Currency SYS
Shanghai 2nd Dah Tung print, $200,000 irregular block of 7 and block of 8, both tied by bilingual ‘KWEIYANG’ cds. Photo
HK$ 2,000 - 2,400