1950 Chengu People's Post surcharge on SYS Silver yuan issue, $100 on 4c green, double surcharge variety, unused and no gum
as issued. Yang SW45a. Photo
HK$ 700 - 900
1950 Kun-Ming overprint on Silver Yuan unit stamps, complete set of 4 in block of 4, unused and no gum as issued. Rare. Yang
SW55-58. Photo
HK$ 12,000 - 16,000
1950 Kun-Ming overprint on Silver Yuan unit stamps, complete set of 4, the Mountains Reg. with a few toned spots, unused and
no gum as issued. Yang SW55-58. Photo
HK$ 3,000 - 3,500
1950 A cover from West Szechwan reg. to Ontarion,Canada, readdressed to Alberta, on front bearing Chengtu surcharge with
‘People’s Post’ and new value with char. ‘Rung’ on SYS Silver Yuan $100 on 4c blue green x 2, and on Marching of People’s
Liberation Army $3,000 on $300 tied by faint cds, on reverse with Marching of People’s Liberation Army $500 on $100 red block
of 4 and $3,000 on $300, tied by faint ‘WEST SZECHWAN’ cds, with a lot of Canada transit, ‘LONDON/CANADA/17.6.50’,
‘TORONTO/19.6.50’, ‘EDMONTON/20.6.50’, ‘WINNIPEG/20.6.50’ arrival cds, very nice mailing route. Fine. Photo
HK$ 2,500 - 3,000
Ex. 2248
Ex. 2247
Ex. 2249
Ex. 2250
1950 Kun-Ming overprint on Silver Yuan unit stamps, Surface Mail orange brown rouletted perf. Fine used. Yang SW55. Photo
HK$ 700 - 900
1950 Surcharge on Liberation of Southwest with new values, $60 on $30 to $50,000 on $50 complete set of 10, unused and no
gum as issued. Yang SW16-25. Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
A collection of bogus Liberated areas stamps, some of the stamps with skillful fake cancellations, a very good reference to study
fakes, no duplicate, approx. 320. viewing recommended. Photo
HK$ 16,000 - 20,000