1949 (2 June) A cover from Harbin reg. to USA, bearing Labour Day $10 rose red, $30 ultramarine (Yang NE24-25), Student's
Movement in Peking $10 emerald green (Yang NE30), Chinese Communist Party $100 scarlet (Yang NE63), Outbreak of War
with Japan $100 brown (Yang NE67), Japanese attach on Manchukuo $20 mauve (Yang NE80) and Li Chan Lin $30 grey green
(Yang NE99), all tied by 'HARBIN/CHINA' cds, nice multiple commemorative issues on cover, very fine. Photo
HK$ 20,000 - 24,000
1949 (13 June) An air mail cover from Harbin reg. to Tientsin, bearing the 5th surcharge on Chairman Mao, 1st print $2,500
on $5 orange x 3 (Yang NE130) tied by char. 'Harbin' cds, on reverse with a small part of reg. receipt attached, bilingual
'TIENTSIN/16,6,49' arrival cds. fine. Photo
HK$ 5,000 - 5,500
1949 (10 Sept.) A cover from Harbin sent to Germany, bearing
Liberation of Northeast $500 rose red (Yang131), International
Labour Day $1,500 red & turq. (Yang NE144) and The Japanese
Surrender $1,500 pale red (Yang NE151) each tied by bisected
'HARBIN/CHINA' cds. fine. Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 2,000
1949 (22 Apr.) An entire letter from Hejiang Province to local, bearing Chairman second print $20 carmine pink in pair (Yang
NE87) and 3rd surcharge on Chairman Mao 2nd print, $300 on $30 green (Yang NE117) tied by faint 'Hejiang' char. Cds, and
arrival cds 25.4.49 overstruck on stamps. fine. Photo
HK$ 6,000 - 6,500
1949 (25 Mar. ) A cover from Liaoning to China Liberated Army 42nd Army Guard, bearing The 5th surcharge on Chairman Mao,
1st print $1,500 on $5 orange (Yang NE129) tied by char. 'LIAONING/XUJIATUN' cds, folded and with tears at the edges. Photo
HK$ 2,000 - 2,500
1949 (3 May) A cover to Shantung, on front bearing the 5th surcharge on Chairman Mao, 1st print $500 on $2 carmine x 3 (Yang
NE128) tied by faint cds. Photo
HK$ 3,000 - 3,400
1949 (30 Dec.) A cover from Changchun to Tientsin, bearing Chairman Mao 4th print, $1,000 yellow (NE124) and the 6th
surch. on Chairman Mao 5th print $2,000 on $300 olive in pair (NE156) both tied by char. ‘Changchun’ cds, with bilingual
‘TIENTSIN/1.1.50’ arrival cds. Photo
HK$ 6,000 - 6,500