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1894 Empress Dowager 60th Birthday
Ex. 316
1894 Dowager 1st printing, 1 cd to 24 cds complete set of 9, original gum hinged and 9 cds with tone spots, others are very fresh.
Chan 22-30. Photo
HK$ 16,000 - 18,000
1894 Dowager first printing 1 cd to 24 cds complete set of 9, mint and lightly hinged, fresh on both sides. Chan 22-30. Photo
HK$ 14,000 - 16,000
Ex. 318
1894 Dowager first printing 1 cd to 24 cds complete set of 9, mint, 4 cds faded surface colour. Chan 22-30. Photo
HK$ 15,000 - 17,000
Ex. 319
1894 A small range of Dowager 1st printing mint and used issue in stock cards, including 12 cds one mint and 3 used, 24 cds 3 mint
and 2 used, plus 4 cds Mollerdorf, good to fine, total 26. Photo
HK$ 13,000 - 15,000