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1959 10th Anniversary of Founding of PRC (5th series) (C71), 1965 30th Anniversary of Zunyi Conference (C109) and 1968
Chairman Mao Goes to Anyuan (W12). 3 sets in total. All unused, toned. Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 1,800
1959 The 1st National Games of PRC (C72) in complete set of 16, no gum as issued. Total 2 sets, 1 set with few stamps hinged.
HK$ 800 - 1,000
1960 140th Birthday of Engels (C80) x 3 sets. 1960 Dr. Norman Bethune (C84) x 1 set and 1961 Centenary of Birth Zhan Tianyou
(C87) x 3 sets. All unused, few sets with hinge and toning. Photo
HK$ 1,400 - 1,600
1960 15th Anniversary of Liberation of Czechoslovakia (C79). Complete set of 2 x 1 set. 1961 90th Anniversary of Paris Commune
(C85). Complete set of 2 with one set hinged. 1961 50th Anniversary Revolution of 1911 (C90) x 1 set. Total 3 sets, all unmounted
mint, original gum and toning. Photo
HK$ 1,300 - 1,500
Ex. 1548
Ex. 1549
Ex. 1550
Ex. 1551
1960 25th Anniversary of Zunyi Meeting (C74) in complete set of 3 x 3. All mint, hinged with original gum. Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,500
1960 25thAnniversary of Zuryi Meeting (C74). Complete set of 3 x 2. One set unmounted mint and original gum. One set unmounted
mint but dry gum. Both toning. Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 2,000
1960 3rd National Congress of Liberary and Art Workers (C81) x 2 sets. 1960 15th Anniversary of Liberation of Korea (C82) x 2
sets with 1 set hinged. 1960 15th Anniversary of Democrafic Rep of Vietnam (C83) x 1 set. Total 5 sets with 4 sets unmounted mint
and original gum. Photo
HK$ 1,200 - 1,400
1960 Beijing Railway Station (S42) complete set of 2. 2 sets hinged, 2 sets mint and 1 set CTO. Total 5 sets. All original gum.
HK$ 2,000 - 2,200
Ex. 1552
Ex. 1553
Ex. 1554
Ex. 1555
Ex. 1556
Ex. 1557
Ex. 1558
Ex. 1559