Ex. 1813
1954 Silo Bridge booklet, fine. Sc 1095a. Photo
HK$ 6,000 - 6,500
1954 Silo Bridge Commemorative Issue Booklet (No. 26), no gum as issued, unused a little toning spot. Photo
HK$ 5,000 - 6,000
1954 Silo Bridge Commemorative Issued (No.25), complete set of in blocks of 4. Unused. No gum as issued. Hinged. Light toned.
HK$1,400 - 1,600
1955 1st Anniv. of President Chiang 2nd Term Inauguration. 20c to $7 complete imperf. set of 4 x 4, all cut from the miniature sheet,
fine and no gum as issued. From the collection of Huang Ming Fang. Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 2,000
1955 1st Anniv. Of President Chiang 2nd Term Inauguration. 20c to $7 marginal complete set of 4, fine and no gum as issued.
From the collection of Huang Ming Fang. Photo
HK$ 800 - 1,000
1956 60th Anniversary of Postal Exhibition souvenir sheet (No.43), complete set of 2, no gum as issued. Unused. Hinged.
HK$ 400 - 500
Ex. 1821
Ex. 1817
Ex. 1822
1956 60th anniversary of Postal Service Exhibition Commemorative. Issued souvenir No.(43) complete set of 2 with unused one set
and CTO, two sets (one set hinged). All no gum as issued. Photo
HK$ 700 - 800
1961 Ancient Chinese Art Treasures 8c to $3.6 complete set of 18 in blocks of 4, some blocks with sheet margins, light toning. From
the collection of Huang Ming Fang. Sc 1290-1307
HK$ 4,500 - 5,000
Ex. 1814
Ex. 1815