1904 (19 Apr.) unaddressed picture postcard, f.w. "China" opt. on German Reichspost stamps 5pf. and 10pf., tied by manuscript
cancellation, "China" opt. in red on Japanese stamp 2s, tied by PEKING I.J.P.O. 19 APR 04 cds in violet, "KITAI" opt. on Russian
stamps, 1k. and 3k., tied by Peking Russian cds dated 19 IV 09 cds, French CHINE regular issue 10c, tied by PEKIN CHINE cds
(without date, scarce), with vertical folding crease and light age toning. Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 2,000
A duplicated Russia Arm types surcharged with Chinese from 1c on 1k to $1 on 1r in large block or complete sheets. Very fresh and
high catalogue values. Approx. 2500. Reviewing recommended. Chan 39-52. Photo
HK$ 12,000 - 14,000
1903 (22 Apr.) A picture postcard from Shanghai to Lyon, France, via Siberia. Bearing opt. ‘KITAI’ on 5k Russia stamp tied by
double ring ‘SHANGHAI’ Russia B.O. cds. Fine.
HK$ 500 - 700
1901 (22 Aug.) An opt. ‘Chine’ on French Peace and Commence 25c black on rose to Belgium tied by ‘SHANG-HAI’ Fr.P.O cds,
on reverse with ;BRULELLES’ arrival cds. Fine.
HK$ 500 - 700
US Post Offices in China
Ex. 1770
1921 (28 Sept.) Surcharged on US President series complete set of 16 x 2 on 2 covers to Shanghai local, tied by 'U.S.POST.
SHANGHAI/CHINA' cds, scarce of such mult. frankings on covers, good condition. Photo
HK$ 15,000 - 18,000
1928-29 group of 8 covers and front cuttings, all sent on board U.S.S. to USA, franked with various USA stamps, tied by U.S.S.
duplex of HONGKONG, CHINA, including U.S.S. CHAUMONT, PITTSBURCH and SACRAMENTO in magenta or black, fine.
HK$ 1,000 – 1,500
Ex. 1771