Page 281 - HK-025 General catalogue

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1900 Deutsche Reichspost Feld-Postcarte sent to Germany, bearing on front "KAISERLICHDEUTSCHEFELDPOST CHINA 1900
circular handstamp, two strikes of "K.D. FELD-POSTSTATION No.5 4/10 cds, light age toning. Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
1909An Imperial post office receiving notice, with private chop in blue cachet, hand stamped ‘Cannot contain any cash or remittance
inside the letter, no compensation if lost. Plus a stampless Chinese Post Service to USA, tied by bilingual SHANGHAI 9 JAN 14
cds. Photo
HK$ 500 - 600
Italian Post Offices in China
1900 (6 Oct.) Picture postcard (Tsintau Chinese Temple) sent to Italy, franked on front with CIP Coiling Dragon 2c x 2 tied by
SHANGHAI 6 Oct 00 bisected bilingual cds, added with 'CHINE' opt. on French Peace & Commerce 10c tied by SHANG-HAI
CHINE 8 Oct 00 cds, and Italy arrival datestamp. Fine. Photo
HK$ 600 - 700
Japanese Post Offices in China
Ex. 1759
Ex. 1760
Ex. 1761
1900 Opt 'China' on Chrysanthemum 5r to 1y complete set of 18, mint and light toning. Chan FJ1-18. Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 1,800
1904 (25 July) coloured picture postcard (depicting Marching of soldiers) and from Tongku to France, franked on front with
"China" opt. on Japanese stamp 1s, tied by TONGKU 25 JUL 04 cds in violet; 1904 (21 Aug.) coloured picture postcard (depicting
the bombardment of Port Authur by the Japanese battle ships), sent from Tongku to France, franked on front with "China" opt. on
Japanese stamp 1s, tied by TONGKU 21 AUG 04 cds in black, both light age toning. Photo
HK$ 800 - 1,000