1917 (12 Mar.) A nice tri-combination cover from Shanghai to London, England. Bearing HK KEVII 4c red on red
in pair, HK KGV 1c brown and opt. 'CHINA' on KGV tied by double ring 'SHANGHAI' index A, Br.P.O cds, Webb
type L. Hong Kong Study Circle records only one combination of the unoverprinted with overprinted stamps on cover.
After the overprinted stamps were put on sale from 1st Jan 1917, the unoverprinted stamps could no longer be sold in
Shanghai but were still recognised for postal use until the end of 1917. Rare. Photo
HK$ 8,000 - 10,000
1918 (22 Sept.) A reg. cover from Shanghai to Bombay, India, via Hong Kong. Bearing opt. 'CHINA' on KGV 2c in
pair and 4c strip of 4 tied by oval 'REGISTERED/SHANGHAI B.P.O' index C, Br.B.O cancellation, Webb type R4,
and h/s 'R/SHANGHAI:B.P.O/No. 599' reg. frame chop in black, on reverse with 'HONG KONG/25.9.19' transit and
'BOMBAY/20.10.19' arrival cds. The postal rate for letters from the Treaty Ports to India was 10c for a letter and an
additional 10c for registered mail. This was the same rate for covers to England. Very fine. Photo
HK$ 1,000 - 1,300
1918 (19 Nov.) An opt. 'CHINA' 10c registered envelopes size K to Chicago, USA. Bearing opt. 'CHINA' on KGV
10c and 12c, tied by oval 'REGISTERED/SHANGHAI B.P.O' index B, Br.P.O cancellation, Webb type R4. h/s 'R/
SHANGHAI:B.P.O/No. 163' frame chop,Webb R5 and oval 'BRITISH POSTOFFICE, SHANGHAI' oval chop in violet
at the lower left corner of the cover. O reverse with 'SAN FRANCISCO/14.12.18' transit and 'CHICAGO/18.12.18'
arrival cds. Fine. Photo
HK$ 6,000 - 7,000